Usage examples

After you install the CLI the first thing to do is run the command clockifycli config init, it will interactively ask you the information necessary to setup your environment.

$ clockify-cli config init
? User Generated Token: <your-api-token>
? Choose default Workspace: <workspace-id> - John Doe's workspace
? Choose your user: <user-id> - John Doe
? Should try to find projects/tasks/tags by their names? Yes
? Should use "Interactive Mode" by default? Yes
? Which days of the week do you work? monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday
? Should allow starting time entries with incomplete data? No
? Should show task on time entries as a separated column? Yes

These answers will be saved at $HOME/.clockify-cli.yaml by default and can be copied from machine to machine if needed. You can see all the options here.

❗ If you have installed the client using snap this file will not be accessible to you, but the configurations will still be persisted.

After that you can start a new entry using the clockify-cli in command.

$ clockify-cli in
? Choose your project: 621948458cb9606d934ebb1c - Clockify Cli      | Client: Myself (6202634a28782767054eec26)
? Choose your task: 62ae29e62518aa18da2acd14 - In Command
? Description: Some description
? Choose your tags: 62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49 - Development
? Start: 2022-06-30 22:49:34
? End (leave it blank for empty):
|            ID            |  START   |   END    |   DUR   |   PROJECT    |   DESCRIPTION    |                  TAGS                  |
| 62be52d2f2c0e80ba36fce0a | 22:49:34 | 22:50:10 | 0:00:36 | Clockify Cli | Some description | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49) |

See more about in here

By default it will prompt you about the details of the time entry, if you don’t like that as the default behavior you can change it by running the command clockify-cli config interactive false, and if there is a situation were you want to be prompted, then run clockify-cli in --interactive.

This behavior is true for all interactive commands, except for clockify-cli config init.

Once you finish the activity or need to stop timer, run clockify-cli out to stop it.

$ clockify-cli out
|            ID            |  START   |   END    |   DUR   |   PROJECT    |   DESCRIPTION    |                  TAGS                  |
| 62be52d2f2c0e80ba36fce0a | 22:49:34 | 23:02:41 | 0:13:07 | Clockify Cli | Some description | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49) |

See more about [out here][cli-out]

To start a new timer with the same information as the last one you did, you can run clockify-cli clone last and a new timer with the same properties as the last stopped one will be started.

$ clockify-cli clone last -i=0 # -i=0 will stop the CLI from prompting you about the timer
|            ID            |  START   |   END    |   DUR   |   PROJECT    |   DESCRIPTION    |                  TAGS                  |
| 62be5684f2c0e80ba36fcecd | 23:05:53 | 23:05:56 | 0:00:03 | Clockify Cli | Some description | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49) |

Lets say that the current activity is for the same task, project and description, but you doing a pairing with someone now. You can fix the timer using the clockify-cli edit current command and change the tags of the timer.

$ clockify-cli edit current -T pair -T web
|            ID            |  START   |   END    |   DUR   |   PROJECT    |   DESCRIPTION    |                    TAGS                     |
| 62be5684f2c0e80ba36fcecd | 23:05:53 | 23:29:14 | 0:23:21 | Clockify Cli | Some description | Pair Programming (621948708cb9606d934ebba7) |
|                          |          |          |         |              |                  | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49)      |

See more about edit here

Now you remembered that yesterday you had a meeting at the end of the day that you forgot to register, but you don’t want to stop the running one.

To create a time entry that has a start and end without tempering with a running timer you can use the command clockify-cli manual.

$ clockify-cli manual -s "yesterday 17:50" -e "yesterday 18:00" -T meet -d 'About the Calendar' \
    -p cli

|            ID            |  START   |   END    |   DUR   |   PROJECT    |    DESCRIPTION     |                TAGS                |
| 62be5d49f2c0e80ba36fd01e | 17:50:00 | 18:00:00 | 0:10:00 | Clockify Cli | About the Calendar | Meeting (6219485e8cb9606d934ebb5f) |

See more about manual here

If you forgot to stop a timer running and wants to stop it with a specific instead of now, you can use the flag --when to set the end time.

$ clockify-cli out --when 23:35
|            ID            |  START   |   END    |   DUR   |   PROJECT    |   DESCRIPTION    |                    TAGS                     |
| 62be5684f2c0e80ba36fcecd | 23:05:53 | 23:35:00 | 0:29:07 | Clockify Cli | Some description | Pair Programming (621948708cb9606d934ebba7) |
|                          |          |          |         |              |                  | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49)      |

To see the entries for today you can use the command clockify-cli report to list them.

$ clockify-cli report
|            ID            |        START        |         END         |   DUR   |   PROJECT    |    DESCRIPTION    |                    TAGS                     |
| 62be52d2f2c0e80ba36fce0a | 2022-06-30 22:49:34 | 2022-06-30 23:02:41 | 0:13:07 | Clockify Cli | Some description  | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49)      |
| 62be5684f2c0e80ba36fcecd | 2022-06-30 23:05:53 | 2022-06-30 23:35:00 | 0:29:07 | Clockify Cli | Some description  | Pair Programming (621948708cb9606d934ebba7) |
|                          |                     |                     |         |              |                   | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49)      |
| 62be5eb535710e76ef03c884 | 2022-06-30 23:40:42 | 2022-06-30 23:41:27 | 0:00:45 | Clockify Cli | Other description | Development (62ae28b72518aa18da2acb49)      |
| TOTAL                    |                     |                     | 0:42:59 |              |                   |                                             |

See more about report here

If you need to quickly see how much time was spent this month in a project you can use clockify-cli report this-month, the flag --project to filter the timers and --duration-formatted to get only the sum of time.

$ clockify-cli report this-month -p cli --duration-formatted