
Getting Started

Clockify CLI is a command line tool to help manage time entries from Clockify and related resources.


  • Generate a API key by visiting your user settings on, in the “API” section generate with you don’t have one and copy your API key.
  • Run the command clockify-cli config init, it will ask for the API key you copied.
    • The CLI will also ask for your preferences and default settings. You can change these preferences any time, see clockify-cli config about the options.
  • After this run the command clockify-cli in to start a time entry.
  • (optional) To add auto completion follow the instructions here


Almost every command has examples on its help, just run clockify-cli in --help to see some of them.

For a more step by step scenarios look at Usage document.

How to Contact

  • Questions about how to use the CLI?
  • Wanna provide feedback on some feature?
  • Report a bug or ask for a feature?

All these can be done opening a issue on Github.


Wants to help improve the CLI or the project, check out our contributing page


The maintainers of this CLI are just users of Clockify and have no inside view from it, all actions performed by it are possible using the API provided by Clockify.