clockify-cli task edit

clockify-cli task edit

Edit a task from a project on Clockify


Edits a task on a Clockify’s project, allowing to change the name, estimated time, assignees, status and billable settings.

If you set a estimate for the task, but the project is set as manual estimation, then it will have no effect on Clockify.

clockify-cli task edit <task> [flags]


$ clockify-cli task edit -p special 62aa5d7049445270d7b979d6 --name="Very Important"
|            ID            |      NAME      | STATUS |
| 62aa5d7049445270d7b979d6 | Very Important | ACTIVE |

$ clockify-cli task edit -p special 'important' --assign | \
  jq '.[] |.assigneeIds' --compact-output

$ clockify-cli task edit -p special important --billable --quiet

$ clockify-cli task edit -p special important --not-billable --csv
62aa5d7049445270d7b979d6,Very Important,ACTIVE

$ clockify-cli task edit -p special very --estimate 1 --done
|            ID            |      NAME      | STATUS |
| 62aa5d7049445270d7b979d6 | Very Important | DONE   |

$ clockify-cli task edit -p special 'very i' --active --format --no-assignee \
  --format '{{.Name}} | {{.Status}} | {{ .AssigneeIDs }}'
Very Important | ACTIVE | []


      --active             sets the task as active
  -A, --assignee strings   list of users that are assigned to this task
      --billable           sets the task as billable
  -v, --csv                print as CSV
      --done               sets the task as done
  -E, --estimate int32     estimation on hours
  -f, --format string      golang text/template format to be applied on each Client
  -h, --help               help for edit
  -j, --json               print as JSON
  -n, --name string        new name of the task
      --no-assignee        cleans the assignee list
      --not-billable       sets the task as not billable
  -p, --project string     the name/id of the project to work on
  -q, --quiet              only display ids

Options inherited from parent commands

      --allow-name-for-id           allow use of project/client/tag's name when id is asked
  -i, --interactive                 will prompt you to confirm/complement commands input before executing the action 
  -L, --interactive-page-size int   will set how many items will be shown on interactive mode (default 7)
      --log-level string            { none | debug | info } set log level (default "none")
  -t, --token string                clockify's token
                                    Can be generated here:
  -u, --user-id string              user id from the token
  -w, --workspace string            workspace to be used


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 29-Mar-2024